Your Xamarin Newsletter for February 2015 (¿µ¹®)
2015/02/27 (09:46)
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Get Started with the 
Xamarin WatchKit Preview, Update Your Android Apps with Material Design, and Build Apps Faster with Xamarin Components!

Get Started with the Xamarin WatchKit Preview

Last month we released the Xamarin WatchKit Preview with templates, a Preview guide, initial support for the Xamarin iOS Designer, and Xamarin Studio support for testing your apps in the simulator. Read through our getting started guide on creating your first WatchKit app now, so you can build yours before watches ship in April. Get started »

Update Your Android Apps with Material Design

Android 5.0 Lollipop introduced a complete refresh, known as Material Design, to the Android user interface, which generated rapid adoption throughout the development community. Find out how to update your Android apps by learning how to use the Android Support v7 AppCompat library to add Material Design to them. Learn more »

Build Apps Faster with 300+ Xamarin Components

Since launching in early 2013, the Xamarin Component Store community has been hard at work building over 300 incredibly useful components, complete with high-quality documentation and samples designed to make app development with Xamarin a snap. Don’t miss out on the added functionality that the components and plugins can add to your apps! Check out the Component Store »

Updated Xamarin.Forms Resources

Xamarin.Forms 1.3 was released in January, and with it came a whole set of exciting new features and updates. Watch the recording of our webinar outlining what’s new in this release, get started with new Xamarin.Forms Behaviors and Triggers, and check out the updated 2nd Preview Release of “Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms” from Charles Petzold. See what's new »

Introducing new Xamarin MVPs

We're excited to welcome our latest Xamarin MVPs, who have earned recognition for their significant contributions to our community. MVPs have been busy sharing their love and understanding of mobile app development through writing great articles, books, and blog posts, speaking in public and online, sharing and building amazing libraries, helping developers online, and shipping awesome apps. Know someone who fits the description? Nominate an MVP »

Brett-Favre Backed Sqor App Wins with Xamarin

Sqor Sports, a San Francisco-based startup, is a unique social network that is taking on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as the best social platform for fans to engage directly with their favorite professional athletes. Learn how Sqor is relying on Xamarin Platform, Xamarin Test Cloud, and Xamarin Insights to go up against the giants of social media, including a special message from investor and board member, legendary football quarterback Brett Favre. See the video »

Join the Xamarin Team

Xamarin is seeking smart people with a passion for mobile development to jump into our fast-paced, collaborative environment. We have open positions around the world working in a variety of jobs with our talented team, so apply today to join the Xamarin family! View our open positions »


Mobile World Congress
Don’t miss Steve Hall, Director of Enterprise Mobility, alongside representatives from Airwatch, Box, and Salesforce on stage for the panel “Airwatch Presents a New Standard for Enterprise App Development”.
Mar 2-5, Barcelona, Spain »

James Montemagno will be at MVP Mix to explain exactly what the MVVM pattern is and how Xamarin.Forms ships with its own lightweight MVVM framework.
Mar 6-7, Dallas, TX »

Visual Studio ALM Days 2015
Mike James will discuss how to automate UI testing and easily integrate Insights for iOS and Android mobile apps.
Mar 11-12, Düsseldorf, Germany »

University Recruiting at UC Berkeley and Stanford
The Xamarin team will be at UC Berkeley on March 17th and Stanford on April 1st. If you're a student at either university, we’d love to see you at one of our sessions!
Mar 17, Berkeley, CA & Apr 1, Stanford, CA »

James Montemagno will be giving three great talks at DevWeek, covering the full spectrum from C# development for iOS and Android with Xamarin, to contextual location awareness.
Mar 23-27, London, UK »


Mobile Testing with Xamarin on .NET Rocks!: Xamarin Developer Evangelist James Montemagno joins Carl and Richard to discuss various testing approaches for mobile apps, including how to get started with Xamarin.UITest and Xamarin Test Cloud.

Write Automated UI Tests for iOS & Android Apps: Learn how to easily set up and write tests for your apps with Xamarin.UITest.

Xamarin.Forms Platform Customization with Device.OnPlatform: See how to quickly tweak properties for specific platforms inside Xamarin.Forms.

Apple WatchKit Round-up: Everything you need to know about the new Apple Watch, in addition to tips and samples for using WatchKit with Xamarin.

Community Code Snippets for Your Xamarin Apps: Check out all of the amazing code snippets from our Give Us The Gist Of It! contest.

Adding Real-World Context with Estimote Beacons & Stickers: Get started with "Nearables" in this step-by-step guide.

How to Keep Your Android App Size Down: Is your app oversized? Here are a few tips and tricks to shrink down your app size before submitting to Google Play.


394 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, CA, 94111
  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : ATLAS.ti Newsletter 2015/2 (¿µ¹®)
  ´ÙÀ½ ¡å : Enterprise Architect 12 Released (¿µ¹®)