Foxit Launches Foxit Reader 6.1 and PhantomPDF 6.1
Enhancements in Foxit PhantomPDF 6.1 include: ¡Ü Move and resize text blocks for more compelling layout. ¡Ü Join or split text blocks to connect text for more powerful editing. ¡Ü Spell checks the selected text block or the complete PDF document. ¡Ü Increase and decrease the indent of paragraphs. ¡Ü Additional OCR language support – Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, and Thai. ¡Ü Automatic PDF form field naming based upon the neighboring text, making developing robust interactive PDF forms quicker and easier. ¡Ü New area highlight tool to highlight text, scanned or imaged based features. ¡Ü Password encryption when designing signatures to lock down signatures when protecting sensitive information. ¡Ü Smooth workflow to drag and drop files to the "Attachments panel" to attach a file to PDF documents. In the Attachment panel, users can sort the order of the attachments. ¡Ü Product tutorial videos to learn typical workflows faster and easier. 
Enhancements in Foxit Reader 6.1 include: ¡Ü Improved document scanning process with one click pre-set templates for typical scanning workflows. ¡Ü File page ribbon user interface similar to Microsoft® Office 2013®. ¡Ü New area highlight tool to highlight text, scanned or imaged based features. ¡Ü Password encryption when designing signatures to lock down signatures when protecting sensitive information. ¡Ü Support for "black and white" PDF creation for easier printing. ¡Ü Smooth workflow to drag and drop files to the "Attachments panel" to attach a file to PDF documents. In the Attachment panel, users can sort the order of the attachments. 
Foxit Delivers PDF Reading Solution to SharePoint ServersView PDF on SharePoint® with no Additional Desktop Software Foxit PDF Web Reader Plugin for SharePoint is a document library extension product for SharePoint allowing end users to view PDF files online, within a browser, without any PDF viewer application or browser plugin installed locally. It provides PDF viewing features such as zoom, text selection, annotation, search, bookmark, and more to enhance the reading experience. SharePoint administrators can install and configure the product on the SharePoint server. They have access to central administration tools to configure the application and control features such as enable/disable watermarks, end user downloads, text selection, etc. Download PDF Web Reader Plugin for SharePoint >> Designing Interactive PDF Forms From ScratchIn our last blog article, we covered how to create an interactive form using an already designed non-interactive one. But suppose you want to create a brand new form from a blank page. And you want it to be an interactive form that users can fill out onscreen. And you want to go on a vacation to a tropical paradise. Well, Foxit PhantomPDF 6 can help you with the first two of these desires. HOW TO CREATE FORMS FROM SCRATCH FOXIT FORM EDSIGNER MAKES CREATING INTERACTIVE PDF FORMS A SNAP Read This Post >> The Basics of PDF SecurityLike all things in the Digital Age, there's a tradeoff between allowing easy access to information and protecting it from prying eyes. This is why there's a whole spectrum of security options for PDF files available to you when using Foxit PhantomPDF. You can choose everything from using no security at all to applying various levels of password protection, encryption, and even rights management protection. Here's a primer on how to decide which levels are best for your PDF documents. Read This Post >> More FoxitblogsPDF Annotate Tools Offer a Superior Way to Add Your Feedback SEO for PDF Helps Your Content Get Found Sign PDF Documents Digitally to Enhance your Business