Zend and IBM PureSystems: Innovation Meets Business Agility! (¿µ¹®)
2013/03/20 (14:35)
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Zend Newsletter - March 2013
Featured News
Zend and IBM PureSystems: Innovation Meets Business Agility! tweet

"Private cloud? Why? And how would I even start?"

If you've ever asked yourself that question, watch this new 6 minute video featuring Jason Gartner, IBM Vice President, and Andi Gutmans, Zend CEO. Hear their perspective on the challenges inherent to the rapid pace of application innovation, and how Zend and IBM work together to solve those challenges.

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Zend and IBM PureSystems: Innovation Meets Business Agility!
Featured Webinar
The PHP 5.4 Features You Will Actually Use tweet

The PHP 5.4 release brought with it the usual excellent selection of entries in the changelog - but which of those will you be using in your real applications this year? This talk looks at a selection of the additions that have arrived with PHP 5.4, examining each one in turn and showing examples of using it.

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The PHP 5.4 Features You Will Actually Use
Learn Industry Tips & Tricks
Doctrine 2 ORM and Zend Framework 2: An Introduction to DoctrineModule tweet
Learn more about the reasons to use Doctrine 2 ORM and some of its key functionality. Marco Pivetta describes how to install and configure a ZendMVC based application for usage with Doctrine, and also the features provided by DoctrineModule.
Installing and Configuring Zend Server 6 on Apple Mac OSX tweet
See how Zend Server free edition, with production quality features and user-friendly installers for Mac, provides a fine choice to replace the missing OSX Web Sharing feature.
Zend Framework 2 ServiceManager – Web Application Development Simplified tweet
In this post introducing Zend Framework 2, you will learn what the ServiceManager is, how to use it and how it simplifies web application development.
The MVC Pattern and PHP tweet
This article covers the basic principles of MVC, a run through the definition of the pattern and a quick example of MVC in PHP. This is definitely a read for anyone who has never done coding with MVC before or those wanting to brush up on previous MVC development skills.
Check out our new Webinars
Developing Mobile Apps that utilize Cloud Web Services tweet
This webinar will show how to use Zend Studio 10 and Zend Server 6 to develop a new class of mobile apps that connect to cloud based Web Services.
March 20, 2013 - 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT, 4:00pm GMT, 5:00pm CET
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Build RESTful ZF2 Applications tweet
In this webinar, Matthew O'Phinney will present a quick overview of considerations necessary for building a RESTful JSON API, focusing on the Hypermedia Application Language (HAL) project
March 26, 2013 - 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT, 4:00pm GMT, 5:00pm CET
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Achieving better responsiveness, scalability and availability using Zend Server 6 tweet
Covering some of the advanced features of Zend Server 6, this session will focus on improving application responsiveness through offline processing, scaling to large clusters in the cloud, and improving session performance and availability by using the Session Clustering component.
April 11, 2013 - 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT, 5:00pm GMT, 6:00pm CET
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Free Zend Online Training Orientation tweet
See this presentation of the Zend Virtual Classroom environment to get the most out of your Zend online training class.
April 18, 2013 - 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT, 5:00pm GMT, 6:00pm CET
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Get To Speed with Zend Framework 2 in Zend Studio 10 tweet
Learn more about the new tools added in Zend Studio 10 to write ZF2 code, based on feedback received from ZF2 early adopters. Zend Studio 10 makes it easier to get started using ZF, write ZF code, and prepare ZF apps for deployment. During this talk you'll learn how to create applications and modules without memorizing their shape or GIT url.
April 24, 2013 - 7:30am PDT, 10:30am EDT, 3:30pm GMT, 4:30pm CET
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Get the Latest Zend News
Zend Developer Series: Developers Debug Faster With Zend Server
Zend, the PHP Company, wants to help developers spend their time doing what they love – creating the apps that make people say “wow.”
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Zend Optimizer+ will land in PHP 5.5
Zend Optimizer+ is to be integrated into the currently-in-development PHP 5.5. The announcement was made by Zeev Suraski, CTO and co-founder of Zend Technologies.
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Joe Stagner joins Zend Technologies as Director of Developer Strategy!
Stay tuned for Joe's monthly developer column. For suggestions on how to improve DevZone and Zend’s community participation, email him at joe@zend.com
And follow his blog - MisfitGeek!
Join our Events
RightScale COMPUTE 13
April 25, 2013 - San Francisco, CA
Zend is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of RightScale Compute. Whether you are developing a cloud strategy, embarking on your first cloud proof-of-concept, or working to optimize your cloud applications, RightScale Compute will provide all the information you need through sessions with leading cloud providers and cloud services, real-world case studies and discussions on best practices for cloud deployments.
ZendCon 2013
Oct 7-10 - Santa Clara, CA
Save the date! Keynotes, sessions, tutorials, networking events and more. It's the place to learn about mobile-first development, cloud-based applications, and professional PHP development.
Looking for a PHP User Group?
Did you know that Zend maintains a worldwide directory of PHP User Groups? Over 80 groups spanning 6 continents are listed, so take a look and find one near you.

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If your User Group is missing, get listed by sending the details to localphp@zend.com.
Zend Technologies Inc. 19200 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 USA

  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : UltraEdit v19: Faster startup, better performance, and more! (¿µ¹®)
  ´ÙÀ½ ¡å : DevExpress Newsletter: The Web Means Business (¿µ¹®)