Kendo UI release, Icenium launch, WP8 Controls & more! (¿µ¹®)
2012/11/13 (09:36)
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Monthly Newsletter

November 2012
Todd Anglin

Editor's Note

Fresh on the heels of a huge Q3 2012 release in October comes another big Telerik release that I'm very excited about! The Kendo UI Winter Release ships this week - Wednesday, November 14, to be precise - and it's full of improvements across the entire framework. If you're not familiar with Kendo UI, it is Telerik's next generation framework for HTML and JavaScript developers, and it just won a gold medal in the 2012 Visual Studio Magazine Readers Choice Awards for web design and development tools. Kendo UI includes everything you need to start building sites and mobile apps with HTML and JavaScript, divided across three parts: Kendo UI Web, DataViz, and Mobile.

The Kendo UI Winter Release is a major milestone for HTML5 data viz and web accessibility. We are adding powerful new financial charts and interactive chart features to Kendo UI DataViz, and we are delivering huge accessibility improvements in Kendo UI Web. To learn about all of the new stuff in the next major release, please join us for the Winter Release Keynote this Wednesday at 11 AM Eastern!

Meanwhile, I can't miss the opportunity to plug Telerik's newest product, Icenium. After years in the making and months in private beta, Icenium is now officially available and free for a limited time! Icenium is an all new Integrated Cloud Environment (ICE) that simplifies cross-platform mobile development by combining the convenience of a modern development environment with the power and flexibility of the cloud. And best of all, it comes with Kendo UI Mobile in the box (err…cloud)! Check it out and sign-up for your free subscription today.


In this issue


» Nokia Chooses Telerik Windows Phone Controls

» Database Functions Demystified with OpenAccess

» Siri is So Old News with Our WP8 Controls

» Smart Coding Now Extended with JustCode

»'s Win8 App Powered by Telerik

» 4 Steps to Profiling with JustTrace

» Slick New Data Viz ASP.NET Sample App

» Decompile with a Bang!

» Powerful Analytics with PivotGrid for .NET

» Getting Started with Test Automation

» PivotGrid XAML Video Tutorial Available

» Agile Planning & Analytics for TFS

» Safer & Robust WinForms Apps with Coded UI Tests

» Is Your CMS Holding You Back?

» More Powerful. Easier to Use. Telerik Reporting.



News & Updates

Nokia Developer Program

Nokia Chooses Telerik Windows Phone Controls

Nokia has just launched its Premium Developer Program to help developers jump-start their Windows Phone development, and it has chosen to include the Telerik Controls for free in the benefits package. Join the program and get RadControls for Windows Phone for free, as well as other great benefits and services.

Read how »

Windows 8 controls

Siri is So Old News with Our WP8 Controls

RadControls for Windows Phone 8 are available for immediate download, leveraging the platform's new features! They come with speech recognition support (available in WinPhone 8), and a new responsive image control to help you display the appropriate images in your apps, according to the device resolution.

Download the bits » app's Win8 App Powered by Telerik, the world's leading online hotel and accommodation reservations agency, launched its Windows 8 app ahead of the platform's launch. It got store-ready, supporting more than 20 languages including Arabic and Japanese, in only six weeks thanks to Telerik RadControls for Windows 8.

Read the case study »

DataViz sample app

Slick New Data Viz Sample App

Take a look at our new ASP.NET app to learn how to easily add data presentation and management functionality to your apps. It integrates several major Telerik controls, but the stars of the app are the new Gauge, PivotGrid and AutoCompleteBox controls, as well as the enhanced HTML5 Chart.

Launch app »


Powerful Analytics with PivotGrid

Allow your apps to unveil critical business insights, empowering end users to make timely, informed decisions. RadPivotGrid is the latest addition to the DevCraft toolset that enables flexible ad-hoc reports via an intuitive and interactive interface. Available for ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight, WPF and WinForms.

Learn more »

PivotGrid videos

PivotGrid Video Tutorial Available

Last month we were very pleased to announce the arrival of RadPivotGrid Beta for WPF and Silverlight. By now you XAML gurus have hopefully checked it out. For those of you who haven't yet, or are looking for more guidance on the control, the first XAMLflix "Getting Started" video tutorial is here, with a couple to follow!

Watch video »

WinForms Coded UI tests

Safer & Robust Apps with Coded UI Tests

RadControls for WinForms now introduce full support for Coded UI Tests implementing all four test levels. These enhancements are available not only in Visual Studio 2010, but also in the brand new Visual Studio 2012. Read on to learn how to build robust and safe applications quickly and easily.

Click to get there »

Telerik Reporting

More Powerful. Easier to Use.

Download Telerik Reporting today and experience the new Report Designer features in action: working with reusable report templates, importing reports created in Visual Studio to the Report Designer, using an object data source/custom DAL, and working with expressions and user functions.

Download trial »

OpenAccess ORM

Database Functions Demystified

The new database functions support included in OpenAccess ORM Q3 2012 surpasses your expectations by adding a brand new capability - an intuitive way of creating Domain Methods via a convenient Domain Method Editor dialog. You are now able to use it even with Table-Valued Functions.

Read more »

JustCode extensions

Smart Coding Now Extended

You can now create your own JustCode extension or pick and choose extensions from our growing developer community. All extensions are available for download on GitHub and Visual Studio Gallery. Choose whichever functionalities you want and customize your coding experience!

Go to extensions page »


4 Steps to Profiling with JustTrace

There can be numerous reasons for sub-optimal app performance, but whatever it is, JustTrace will find it. A new mini-video demonstrates how to quickly start profiling in just 4 steps: assess the issue, acquire the data, analyze potential culprits, and finally, act swiftly to disable the culprit.

Watch the video »


Decompile with a Bang!

With the Q3 release of JustDecompile, we have added features worth celebrating! Open API, full support for C#5 and WinRT, enhanced code viewer, improved UX, and better performance - these are just some of the enhancements that come with the latest version of JustDecompile.

Take a look »

Test Automation

Getting Started with Test Automation

Bringing a new tool to a project can be intimidating, frustrating, and outright scary. Teams are already dealing with ever-present time pressures. We created this whitepaper to help you and your teams learn how to avoid some of the most common challenges with Test Automation Projects.

Download the whitepaper »

Agile Planning for TFS

Agile Planning & Analytics for TFS

If TFS is at the heart of your projects, don't miss our FREE webinar on Nov. 29th. Learn how to leverage Telerik's own project management and collaboration tool, TeamPulse, to improve transparency, make planning more independent, and manage work with Kanban and Scrum boards.

Register for the webinar »

Sitefinity CMS

Is Your CMS Holding You Back?

Wish your CMS did more? On Nov. 29th see how Sitefinity makes creating, editing, and delivering content much easier. From mobile capabilities and ASP.NET integration, to drag-and-drop template builder, intuitive editing, and useful tools, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Register for the webinar »


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Community Events

Tips and Tricks


All Your Base, Nov. 23rd
Meet over 300 web developers passionate about the database technologies, and grab one of Telerik's cool t-shirts.

NoSQL, Dec. 6th
Learn the latest and quickest ways of solving new class data management problems connected with the storing and processing of the data inside the cloud.


Hot blogs

Telerik is proud to sponsor Keep Agile Austin for the first time on Nov. 16th. Be sure to stop by our table to see a Test Studio demo!

We hope to see you down under at DDD Brisbane on Dec. 1st.

In the Heartland on Dec. 8th? Be sure to stop by and see Telerik evangelist Phil Japikse at the Central Ohio Day of .NET.


Tips and Tricks

How to Create Mobile-Ready WebForms Applications 101

Energize your Financial Apps with Multi-Touch Charts

Meet ASP.NET Web API with OpenAccess ORM

Browser Zoom - Why Does It Break Your Page and How to Avoid It



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