Data Techniques Fall 2012 Newsletter - New ImageMan.Net Release and Barcodes... (¿µ¹®)
2012/10/12 (13:12)
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Data Techniques, Inc.
2 exciting new ImageMan.Net product releases are here!

Welcome to the Fall 2012 edition of our ImageMan & FaxMan newsletter. We hope this newsletter will help keep you informed of new product updates and also will provide some valuable tech tips to help you. Please let us know if you have any subject you would like to see in the newsletter at

ImageMan.Net Summer Update Released

It's here! Our ImageMan.Net Summer 2012 Release is now available. This release adds new features for all current subscribers as well as our new Barcode Add-on.

Don't have a current ImageMan.Net subscription ? No worries, you can upgrade to the latest code and get a one year subscription from the My Products page on our website.

So what's new in the Standard and Document Editions ?

  • PDFEncoder & OCR Engine

Enhanced the Searchable PDF Support by assuring that the searchable text lines up with the raster image content. This requires assigning the OcrInfo property from the Ocr Engine class to the OcrInfo property of the PdfEncoder when saving images.

  • Thumbnail Control

Added option to display checkboxes with each thumbnail via the DisplayCheckBoxproperty, added the ThumbCheckedChanged event and the Checked property to the Thumbnail class.

Added the ThumbBorderColor property to allow the developer to set the Thumbnail border color.

Added the ScrollToThumb method to allow code to scroll a given thumbnail into view.

Added Drag and Drop Thumbnail support via the AllowDragDrop property and theThumbDragged event.

  • Annotation Control

Added the AllowSelect property to the annotation control to allow developers to disable the ability of users to select annotations via the mouse.

Added the ToolDefaultsToSelect property to control if the Current tool reverts back to the select tool after creating a new annotation or if the tool remains the same allowing users to create multiple annotations of the same type without having to reselect the tool.

  • Viewer Control

Added the MouseWheelScrollDelta property to specify the scroll distance when the user uses the MouseWheel to scroll an image.

Performance enhancements in many of the Encoder/Decoder classes to make saving and loading images even faster.

This new release can be downloaded from the My Products page for existing customers or the trial download page.

ImageMan.Net Barcode Addon is now available


And based on popular demand we've release our new ImageMan.Net Barcode Add-on. This provides barcode reading and writing for the most popular 1d and 2d barcodes in easy to use classes and its 100% royalty free.

Barcode Add-on Sale - Save up to 50%

Thru November 15th users of our ImageMan.Net Document edition can save 50% off a purchase of the Barcode Add-on. Got the Standard Edition ? No worries, you can get a 25% discount off your purchase of the Barcode Add-on. Just email us at along with your serial # and we'll email you the special discount coupon code. Remember, you've only got until November 15th, after that the Barcode Add-on will be available for its regular price of $699 for a single developer license or $1398 for a 5 Developer Team License.

Let us know what new features you want to see

We may have just shipped the Summer release but our developers are already working on the list of features we'll be shipping in the Winter 2012 release. 

If you have any features you would like to see implemented please let us know at and we'll be sure to consider for a future release.

© 2012 Data Techniques, Inc., All Rights Reserved. • 5 CC Allen Road, Burnsville, NC 28714
Toll Free 800-955-8015 | 828-682-4111

  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : [telerik] Q3¡¯12 release is here! All you need for Win 8, VS2012 and more! (¿µ¹®)
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