Windows 8 Dev Club and 13 Top Tools for Web Developers (¿µ¹®)
2012/05/17 (09:16)
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Monthly Newsletter

May 2012



Doug Seven

Editor's Note

Over the past year you’ve seen Telerik introduce new products to help you build great applications for an increasingly mobile world, where platforms like Apple iOS and Google Android are dominating. Kendo UI Mobile is a prime example of how we are helping you build native looking and feeling apps and sites for mobile devices, using technology you already know - HTML5 and JavaScript. You may also have seen our Test Studio for iOS beta release enabling you to create and run automated functional tests on an iOS device - the iPhone, iPad or iPod - without jail breaking it.

We are also staying on top of the Microsoft mobile platform stack, and like you, eagerly awaiting Windows 8 (especially in its ARM form factor). As you think about your strategy for Windows 8 Metro style applications take a few minutes and read how we recently designed a Windows 8 Metro style application by starting with a very popular Windows Phone 7 application.

In the coming weeks we will be releasing great new features for the Telerik products you love.  We will also be revealing an exciting new product designed to help you take over the world of cross-platform mobile development, enabling you to use your existing skills to quickly and easily build applications for the platforms that matter.  If you want to be among the first to learn about this revolutionary new product, stay tuned to our social channels and if you’re going to TechEd next month, stop by the Telerik booth!

Doug Seven
Executive Vice President, Black Ops



In this issue



Saving Time for MVC Developers

New Resources Just For You

Tools for the Ninja Web Developer

One Engine, Two Tools

Take your ASP.NET Controls to the Gym

JustTrace, Data is Knowledge

Missed the XAMLflix webinars?

Test Studio for iOS Out of Beta (Soon)

Designing a Windows 8 App

TeamPulse and Test Studio Team Up

Monetize Better from Your App

CMS & Ecommerce in One Application








News & Updates



Telerik acquires NibmlePros

Saving Time for MVC Developers

Telerik Evangelist Joshua Holt recently reacquainted himself with our ASP.NET MVC Extensions and was surprised to find some not so popular, but great, time-saving features in the toolkit. Get a walkthrough of the awesome features he found in the suite and learn how they can help cut down your development time!

Read the post 

Q1 SP 2012

13 Tools for the Ninja Web Developer

What are your favorite tools for smarter web development? Take a look at our list of HTTP and client-side debugging and inspection tools, image tools, as well as VS-specific tools we find really useful. The best part, almost all of them are free. Make sure to share your top tools as well!

Check out the blog 

Top 5 VS Designer Improvements

Take your ASP.NET Controls to the Gym

How often do you write an Eval() or Bind() statement and accidentally screw up the spelling of your entity or field names? Frustrated with having to use a declarative DataSource control, or the DataSource property and DataBind() function in your code-behind? That's all behind you thanks to VS11's strongly typed controls.

Check the how-to post 

Telerik Roadmaps

Missed the XAMLflix webinars?

No worries! XAML Evangelists Evan Hutnick, Michael Crump, and Jesse Liberty are making their webinars available on-demand. The wrap-up blog posts with links to the recordings for Data Visualization and Diagramming Framework are available now! Jesse's RadGridView webinar recording will be available later this week.

DataViz Webinar
Diagramming Webinar 


Designing a Windows 8 App

This case study gives insight into porting the design of an existing Windows Phone app to a Windows 8 Metro app. It discusses what can and cannot be reused. Maybe you're thinking: from Metro to Metro - it has to be pretty easy and straightforward, doesn't it? See for yourself - read our blog and download a copy of the PDF.

Find out today 


Monetize Better from Your App

How to make money from your Windows Phone app? Join this free webinar that provides a framework for thinking about mobile app marketing co-hosted by Telerik and Tapjoy. We'll talk about developers' in-app tricks as well as how to get the most from your app distribution efforts.

Secure your seat now 

Kendo UI Mobile App Contest

New Resources Just For You

A whole host of new learning resources to help you improve your code and productivity just went live with the new product pages. Be sure to check out the JustCode introductory video and step-by-step instructions on how to make your first mock.

Improve your productivity 


One Engine, Two Tools

MSDN and JustDecompile recently joined forces for the webcast "One Engine Two Tools". The webcast demonstrated how to use JustDecompile and JustCode to easily recover lost source code or peer into assemblies to discover the root cause of an external bug.

Watch the recording now 

Test Studio Load Testing

JustTrace, Data is Knowledge

JustTrace collects an impressive amount of data which can now be easily navigated and filtered. In addition, more data can be seen by collapsing the context help. Download JustTrace and see how better data will improve your code.

Download JustTrace 

Telerik Sitefinity What's New

Test Studio for iOS Out of Beta (Soon)

With its official launch, Test Studio for iOS will add a premium cloud syncing feature. You'll be able to deploy & sync up tests and results across all devices, keeping everyone on your team in the loop. The release comes in two weeks but you can download the Beta now!

Download Beta 

Telerik Sitefinity What's New

TeamPulse & Test Studio Team Up

To help teams build better software Telerik has integrated its project management and automated testing solutions - TeamPulse and Test Studio. Thanks to this integration you can now ensure that all your requirements are properly defined, thoroughly tested and that each and every bug is captured and managed effectively.

Learn about the integration 

Telerik Sitefinity What's New

CMS & Ecommerce in One Application

For organizations that are managing online stores and web content there are numerous benefits of integrating Content Management Systems and Ecommerce into a single application. Read this whitepaper to see how combining these components with Sitefinity can provide a better experience for the user while simultaneously creating new business value.

Download whitepaper 




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Here We Grow Again

Tips and Tricks


TechEd North America 2012 - Telerik has not one but two big surprises for you! Make sure to stop by booth 1841/1843 to get exclusive access.

Big Design 2012 - Addison, TX from May 31-June 2, stop by the Telerik booth for Kendo UI swag and a chance to win a Blackberry Playbook 7-Inch Tablet!

Free Q&A Panel: The Agile Buffet Table - Want to implement a process that matches your needs? Join this webinar and let our experts help pick the right ingredients for your needs.

See all events

Hot blogs

Telerik Acquires NimblePros! We are extremely happy to welcome industry experts like NimblePros to the Telerik family. NimblePros helps build our professional consulting services division and will help us to continue delivering quality products to customers like you. This marks our 5th office in the USA, and 11th worldwide!

Read the full press release

Tips and Tricks

A Match Made in Http Heaven - ASP.NET Web Forms and WebAPI 

The Present and Future of Using JSON in Web Forms 

New Exploratory Testing Tool: Test Studio Explore

Bend OpenAccess ORM to Your Will with Type Converters 



Telerik Product Divisions



Developer Productivity Tools

The industry's leading UI components for .NET, essential tools for code analysis, decompiling, mocking, reporting and data access.

Learn more 

Team Productivity Tools

Agile project management tools for requirements management, planning, scheduling, and project health monitoring.

Learn more 



Automated Testing Tools

Solutions for fast and easy test automation of web and desktop applications:
HTML | AJAX | Silverlight | WPF.

Learn more 

Web Content Management

A flexible ASP.NET CMS for the construction and management of commercial websites, community portals, and intranets.

Learn more 



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