Zend Framework power features and ZendCon preparations (¿µ¹®)
2012/05/09 (11:23)
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Zend Newsletter - May 2012
Featured Webinar
Develop PHP Mobile Applications with Zend Framework tweet
May 15 – 7.30 am PDT, 10.30 am EDT, 2.30 pm GMT, 4.30 pm CEDT

Zend Framework offers a component, Zend_Http_UserAgent, that can be used to easily build web applications for multiple mobile platforms. Learn how to use the Zend_Http_UserAgent in a simple web application built with Zend Framework 1.12.

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Develop PHP Mobile Applications with Zend Framework
Featured Tips & Tricks
Project Development in the Cloud - Do We Still Need Internal Servers? tweet

Is the cloud able to provide everything a developer needs? Gaze into the future of development with this recorded webinar – gain an understanding of different aspects of modern development environments and see where the cloud can take you.

Watch the recording »

View more Tips and Tricks

Project Development in the Cloud - Do we still need Internal Servers?
Learn Industry Tips & Tricks
Views, Renderers, Resolvers, oh, my! tweet
Watch this recorded webinar to learn about ZF2's new view layer, and how you can leverage it to switch output formats, utilize alternate rendering strategies, and more.
Why Modules? tweet
Learn the buzz behind ZF2 modules, and how they will help you develop sites faster.
Introducing ZendDb 2.0 tweet
Use a database with your apps? The ZendDb component has been completely refactored in ZF2, with greater flexibility, extensibility and modularity in mind. Watch this recorded webinar to learn more about it.
Using Traits in PHP 5.4 tweet
Traits bring much-anticipated improvements to PHP's inheritance model. Read this article to learn more about them and how to take advantage.
Event Monitoring with Zend Server in the Zend Developer Cloud tweet
The world of PHP development continues to evolve: learn how you can get real-time info on application errors when using the Zend Developer Cloud.
An Example of Zend Paginator tweet
Ever needed a PHP component to show listing or search results pagination? See how easy it is to customize the Zend Paginator in Zend Framework to do just that.
PHP and SOAP – First Steps tweet
Web services, demystified: if you've ever wanted to learn how to get SOAP working with PHP, don't miss this step-by-step walkthrough.
Reading RSS Feeds From Multiple Feeds Using Zend Feed tweet
The Zend Feed component in Zend Framework helps you overcome the differences in XML structure between different types of feeds – learn how to use it in this blog post.
Twig in Zend Framework 2 tweet
Did you know that you can extend ZF2 to use the Twig template engine? Read this blog post to see how it can be done.
Giving Your First PHP Presentation tweet
Thinking of submitting a paper to ZendCon, but you're not sure about speaking in public about PHP? Read this article to get some very helpful pointers (and then go ahead and submit!)
Standard Shop on Standard PHP Stack - Magento and Zend Server tweet
Watch a demonstration of the software lifecycle of Magento and Zend Server from development to production: deploy, fix bugs, and find and eliminate performance bottlenecks.
Check out our new Webinars
Database Deployment with Zend Server and Liquibase tweet
Deploying source code with Zend Server is easy. But how about databases? Learn how to integrate Liquibase in your Zend Server and start deploying or rolling back database changes just as easily.
May 09 – 7.30am PDT, 10.30am EDT, 2.30pm GMT, 4.30pm CEDT
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Standard Blog on Standard PHP Stack - WordPress and Zend Server tweet
In this session Jan Burkl will demonstrate the software lifecycle of WordPress and Zend Server from development to production. See how WordPress can be deployed, bugs can be fixed and performance bottlenecks can be found and eliminated.
May 10 - 7.30am PDT, 10.30am EDT, 2.30pm GMT, 4.30pm CEDT
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Cryptography Made Easy Using Zend Framework tweet
The Zend Framework 2 component ZendCrypt makes protecting sensitive data easy with cryptography. This webinar will present examples of how to use ZendCrypt, including how to store passwords securely, how to encrypt/decrypt data using symmetric algorithms, and how to apply a digital sign using public key cryptography.
May 31 - 7.30am PDT, 10.30am EDT, 2.30pm GMT, 4.30pm CEDT
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Zend Online Training Orientation tweet
See this presentation of the Zend Virtual Classroom environment to get the most out of your Zend online training class.
May 31 – 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT
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What's the big deal about the small Git version control system? tweet
In this webinar, Matthew McCullough of GitHub will give a hands-on demonstration of Git, showing why Git matters and why we are suddenly hearing so much about a tool invented seven years ago. The free open source social coding features of GitHub will also be shown along with how they recently organically motivated PHP to move its source code there.
June 06 - 9am PDT, 12pm EDT, 4pm GMT, 6pm CEDT
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Magento User Experience Monitoring: The Shoppimon Story tweet
Learn how Shoppimon leveraged Zend Framework 2.0 and Zend Server to build a Cloud application that finds Magento problems through a PHP-based virtual-user engine.
June 14 - 2.30pm GMT, 4.30pm CEDT, 10.30am EDT, 7.30am PDT
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PHP 2012 ZendCon - Call for papers is now open! Learn more »
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Zend Application Fabric Available on AWS Marketplace
Zend's enterprise-grade PHP runtime is now easy to use in the Amazon cloud.

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Join our Events
May 18-19 - Verona, Italy
2 days, 3 tracks, 20+ international speakers dedicated solely to PHP development, technologies and management. Join Zeev Suraski, PHP co-architect and CTO of Zend, for his keynote about development in PHP in the Cloud, and learn more about Zend Framework 2 in a session by Enrico Zimuel, ZF Core Team member.
PHP|Tek 2012 Conference
May 22-25 - Chicago, IL
Join Ralph Schindler, Zend Framework Project Developer, and Kevin Schroeder, Zend Technology Evangelist, at PHP|Tek and learn more about Zend Framework 2 and phpcloud.com.
International PHP Conference 2012 - Spring Edition
June 03-06 - Berlin, Germany
Join the PHP Heroes at IPC Spring. Stop by the Zend booth and take your spot on the PHP Hero Wall of Fame! And meet our speakers and learn more about Zend Framework 2.
Forum PHP 2012
June 05-06 – Paris, France
This year again, Zend will proudly sponsor the French PHP user group main event to make it the place where all French speaking PHP developers should go! Enrico Zimuel, ZF Core Team member, will present the session: "A quick start on Zend Framework 2". Come and ask him questions about your upcoming ZF2 projects!
Dutch PHP Conference 2012
June 07-09 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Visit the Zend booth to learn all the news about PHP trends as well as the solutions from the PHP Company. Join Matthew Weier O'Phinney and Enrico Zimuel in their sessions, and learn more about Zend Framework 2 from the people who really know it.
blogRead Kevin's Blog
Read our latest Blog
Zend Technology Evangelist Kevin Schroeder demonstrates managing the configuration of Dependency Injection Containers in Zend Framework 2.

Read part 1 »
Read part 2 »
Zend Technologies Inc. 19200 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 USA

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