Intersoft Solutions Newsletter - April 2012 (¿µ¹®)
2012/04/26 (15:58)
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Latest Silverlight Case Study, Brand-new Start Page, and More
Martin Lie, Customer Relation Executive

As Microsoft has unveiled its new Windows Runtime and Metro apps, it becomes obvious that these new platforms have nothing to do with Silverlight. Both WinRT and Metro are built exclusively for the Windows 8 platform – while Silverlight is still in its unique position targeting line-of-business apps that are accessible from any major browsers in both Windows and Mac operating system.
One of our enterprise customers, Astra Insurance, testifies that Silverlight is the best platform for mission-critical apps, and recently decided to build all their upcoming projects on Silverlight. Read their testimony and find out more about their experiences building enterprise Silverlight apps with ClientUI in our recently published case study.
This month, we've released a brand-new start page that aggregates all essential information into a single source, from latest product resources, videos, to live demo and pricing. In addition, we've also make available a comprehensive product catalog that you can download and view offline. Click here for the full coverage.
Be sure to check out our new blog posts this month, featuring the ClientUI 7 preview that discusses dependency injection and extensibility architectural topic. You will learn how easy it is to build rich Ribbon-aware application using Intersoft ClientUI Ribbon project template.
Last but not least, we're fully committed to release product hotfixes on monthly basis. Several product hotfixes that are released this month including WebGrid, WebCombo, WebScheduler and ClientUI controls for both Silverlight and WPF.
As always, if you have any question or feedback, please feel free to email me at

ClientUI Case Study: Medicore�

Medicore Case Study
On our most recent projects, our professional services team helped our enterprise client, Astra Insurance (AAB), in delivering their new mission-critical application known as Medicore. With the challenges of eye-catching UI/UX, great performance, and fast development time, AAB decided to go with WebUI Studio and Silverlight to conquer the battle.
The new case study elaborates how our ClientUI controls streamline the collaboration among the developer and designer team, enabling them to communicate in a way that wasn't previously possible. It's undoubted that Silverlight is the best platform for rapid enterprise development platform. Be sure to check out the case study here.

New Intersoft Start Page Launched

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Start Page. Thoughtfully designed with minimal yet elegant design, the new Start Page aggregates all essential information into a centralized place. You can now quickly watch the latest videos, discover the new samples, browse all controls, download the evaluation, and review the pricing – all in a single page.
Read how our web designer team covers each component of the new getting started page as well as the design philosophy behind it in this blog post. Head over to the new Start Page here.
The new Getting Started Page and Product Catalog
At the same time, we're thrilled to introduce our latest product catalog. With beautifully designed with pixel-perfect layout, this eye-catching document is filled with the complete collection of WebUI Studio innovative controls as well as the deep feature coverage on our flagship controls. Inside you can find testimonials and the collection of real Rich Internet Application development cases from our customers. You can now view the entire WebUI Studio portfolios by downloading it here.

Blog's Buzz

Join Jimmy as he discusses about Dependency Injection and Inversion-of-Control design patterns in his latest blog post. It is important to understand the differences between these two patterns in order to build good piece of working software that is highly maintainable and extensible.
Our support engineer demonstrates how fast and easy it is to build rich business application using ClientUI's Ribbon Project Template. Find out how Yudhi shares his experiences building the project from adding the navigation, customizing the ribbon through XML configuration file, and drop-in the data grid to display data.

April 2012 Product Hotfixes Released

This month, we've released the latest hotfixes for ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF platforms. The latest build includes improvements for WebScheduler cross-browser resizing and rendering capability. Check out the version history here.
WebGrid also receives improvements and numerous fixes such as Javascript error when using regular expression, exception error during update and many others. Check its latest build here. Meanwhile, WebCombo with its latest build has fixed the row checker issue after first selection.

Knowledge Base: Customizing Font Color of Event Bar in WebScheduler's Timeline View

We've recently updated KB article for WebScheduler. It is possible, for user to change the font color of event bar in order to make the font color more suitable with the background color of event bar. This article describes how to customize font color of event bar in timeline view mode. Read more about this implementation in here.

Community corner.

Navigation using MVVM

Member Richard is wondering on how to navigate to another page using MVVM. ClientUI has already provided several predefined commands for navigation such as Navigate command. By using this command, user can implement navigation to other pages with MVVM. For more information on the solution for Richard's issue, check out the thread.

Tips and Trick.

Set WebDialog's height using percentage in code

Community member Frank is trying to set WebDialogBox's height, but an error always occurs when he attempts to use percentage (%) instead of pixel for its configuration. You can use several client-side methods as a workaround such as GetWindowDivElement() to set the percentage style. Check out the complete thread here.

Be sure to download a working free trial of WebUI Studio for 30 days if you aren't already using our award-winning software.
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