Intersoft Solutions Newsletter - March 2012 (¿µ¹®)
2012/03/29 (11:04)
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WebUI Studio 2012 Roadmap, New Builds Released, and More
Martin Lie, Customer Relation Executive

We've recently updated the roadmap that includes release plans for all platforms, including ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF and others. Thanks to all customers that have been participated in our Product Survey 2012. Your valuable feedback is really appreciated in aligning our product roadmap to your development needs. This year's release theme is strongly focused on data processing and data visualization tools for Silverlight and WPF, as well as emerging platforms like HTML 5 and Windows 8. For more information about this roadmap, please read our blog post here.
Make sure you check out the latest March 2012 hotfix which has been released and available from Update Manager. These hotfixes include all WebUI Studio Editions from ASP.NET, Silverlight 3-5 and WPF. More details below.
This month, we've published a series of knowledge base articles related to SQL Report Viewer for Silverlight and WPF. Most of the common error messages due to misconfiguration have been compiled in a single article so you can quickly identify what you've missed. To learn more, go on to this article.
As always, if you have any question or feedback, please feel free to email me at

What's Next in WebUI Studio 2012

One of the exciting upcoming products is the new ClientUI reporting solution. You can see many reporting features including loyalty-free end-user designer, bar code support, and stunning charts in a single reporting solution. It also includes many enhancements for ASP.NET controls.
Find out more details on our roadmap here.

March 2012 Builds Released

We have just released our latest hotfixes for all WebUI Studio editions from ASP.NET, Silverlight 3-5 and WPF. The latest ClientUI build includes several important stability improvements, performance enhancements and addressed numerous memory leaks. Some issues in UXFileUpload, UXGridView and UXClock have been fully fixed and enhanced to perform better and smoother.
Several issues in ASP.NET controls are also fixed in this release, such as WebGrid and WebDesktop. WebGrid now handles various data format string in a smarter way; WebDesktop also includes many enhancements in its toolbar merging.
Launch Update Manager to get these latest hotfixes. For more information about applying hotfixes, see here.
Read the full coverage in our blog post here.

Powerful SQL Report Viewer for Silverlight & WPF

SqlReportViewer is an advanced and feature-rich report viewer control designed for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services. It renders SSRS reports with identical layout and appearance as the report design and supports most report items available in SSRS such as TextBox, Line, Image as well as comprehensive support for Matrix, Table and List (Tablix)
SQL Report Viewer control includes many time-saving features that can be enabled with simple property sets such as data exporting and printing. The control supports exporting to popular data format like Excel, PDF and HTML – enabling users to process the information in their favorite spreadsheet application.
Huge Enhancement in 2011 R2 SP1
Click here to learn more about SQLReportViewer's innovative features, or here to test drive the control online.

Latest Articles.

SqlReportViewer is a specialized implementation of UXDocumentViewer designed to work with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services document. There are some common error messages occurring in this control. Looking for a solution on how to resolve it? Check out this article.
There are some issues reported about unable to open Intersoft product's documentation help files from Internet Explorer. The browse is unable to display the content and sometimes the download file is broken. Find out the solution in this article.

Community Corner.

Nested Frames Support

Community member Jim Blake requests to get a simple sample on how to access nested UXFrame in Intersoft Business template. This thread talks more about our advanced and rich navigation control. This kind of navigation topology can be categorized as nested hierarchical topology. For more information about Jim Blake's issue and how to create nested frames, check out the thread.

Tips and Trick.

Display white space in WebGrid's cells

Member Ahmed Dajani says, "I'm having issues displaying white space in the grid cells. I saw in a couple of threads that replacing white space with " " should do the trick, but it has not worked."

As you may know, Web Page doesn't recognize a white space character. Instead of using white space, we can use HTML character such as " " in WebGrid cell's text property. Read the complete conversation here.
Control Visibility of an image button

Member Greg Stroud asks, "Which server side event on the webgrid do I used to control visibility of an image button?"

WebGrid has a property called CustomObjectAttributes. In this case, you can use this property to set the custom styles, which is the visibility of image button. Check out the complete thread here.
Be sure to download a working free trial of WebUI Studio for 30 days if you aren't already using our award-winning software.
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