PHP 5.4 is here - learn how you can get started! (¿µ¹®)
2012/03/16 (10:22)
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Zend - The PHP Company

PHP 5.4 is Here!

Zend is proud to welcome PHP 5.4, a major milestone release that adds exciting new capabilities to the language that powers more than one-third of the Web.

Along with significantly improved performance and a smaller memory footprint, PHP 5.4's key new features include traits, enhanced JSON support, and out-of-the-box multibyte support for Asian languages.

Learn more about support for PHP 5.4 across the spectrum of Zend's products:

Zend Studio

Start writing PHP 5.4 code today! And take 10% off
Zend Studio with code php54 until March 31st.

Download a free trial »

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Zend Server

Try out deployment automation, monitoring and root cause analysis, and performance optimization using PHP 5.4.

Download the PHP 5.4 technology preview »

Get instant access to a robust, cloud-based PHP 5.4 environment designed specifically for developers.

Learn more and request an invite »

Zend Framework

Use the latest update to the world's leading open source PHP application framework, with built in forward compatibility with PHP 5.4.

Download Zend Framework 2 Beta 3 »


Happy PHPing,
Zend - The PHP Company

Zend Technologies Inc.
19200 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Cupertino, CA 95014



  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : Intersoft Solutions Newsletter - March 2012 (¿µ¹®)
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