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|  | |  | Writing Testable Code  March 15 – 8.30am PDT, 11.30am EDT, 3.30pm UTC, 4.30pm CET
The easier your PHP code is to test, the less time you'll have to spend dealing with problems down the road. Join Tobias Schlitt for his session on the secret of writing testable code and on how this relates essentially to good object orientation.
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 |  | Learn Industry Tips & Tricks |  |  | Unit Testing Zend Framework Apps  Make your Zend Framework projects higher quality! Watch this recorded webinar to learn strategies for testing services, work flows and performance. |  |  | What Problem does Dependency Injection Solve?  A prominent feature of Zend Framework 2 as well as other frameworks, DI is an increasingly common concept. If you've wondered what its purpose is, read this blog post to get clued in. |  |  | Dev & Prod - PHP Applications in the Cloud  You're considering using the cloud for your PHP apps, but want to know how to get started? Watch this recorded webinar for an introduction to using phpcloud.com with a Zend Framework app. |  |  | How to Deploy Your First App to PHP Cloud  Read this blog post if you're a CakePHP fan: see how easy it is to use in phpcloud.com! |  |  | Git for Subversion Users  Aware of Git but want to know how it compares to Subversion? This recorded webinar explains the concepts and benefits of Git, as well as how to use it successfully. | |
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| Check out our new Webinars |  | MediaSpike - a PHP in the Cloud Case Study Join RightScale and Zend to learn about lead generation company MediaSpike's experience. MediaSpike took advantage of the RightScale Zend HA Solution Pack to implement a best practices path to PHP in the cloud. Hear them discuss how pre-configured autoscaling and high availability features made their cloud initiative a success. |  | |
|  | Writing Re-usable ZF2 Modules Zend Framework 2.0 introduces a new modular system, designed to make re-use trivial. In this webinar, learn how and when to write modules, and techniques and strategies for making them re-usable between applications. |  | |
|  | |  | |  | The Truth About Lambdas and Closures in PHP Join Sharon Lee Levy for her presentation on what exactly lambdas are as well as the difference between a lambda and a closure, or whether there is any given their implementation in PHP. In addition, we'll have a look at improvements pertaining to closures in PHP 5.4. |  | |
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