2012 Product Survey, Service Pack 1 Enhancements and New Videos Martin Lie, Sales Executive | With so many new technologies and platforms popping up, choosing the right platform for your next project will be tougher, or I should say, more challenging. Regardless of the choice, you will need the tools that help you stay productive. As we're planning our roadmap ahead, we'd love to hear from you – what your difficulties are, which platforms will you build your next apps on, and what tools you need to get your jobs done faster. Enter our annual product survey and cast your vote so we can align our next product roadmap to your development needs. | In case you missed the news, we've released the first service pack of WebUI Studio 2011 R2 last month. The most significant improvement is the native support for Silverlight 5. Hundreds of new features and fixes were added to many controls across all platforms in this release. Download the latest service pack here, and see the complete list here. | Don't have time checking out our new release yet? No worry – we've made available a bunch of short, 5 minute overview videos. Browse the list of the new videos, sit back and relax to enjoy the HD videos showcasing the new innovative controls available in the latest release. | As always, if you have any question or feedback, please feel free to email me at martin@intersoftpt.com. |
2012 Product Survey | We're currently finalizing the plan for our product roadmap this year. Your participation is an effective way to present your thoughts and opinions about our products and service to the management of Intersoft Solutions. | Please take a few minutes to complete the survey: annual product surveyhttp://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Q9P9758 |
WebUI Studio 2011 R2 Service Pack 1 Is Here | WebUI Studio R2 Service Pack 1 is now available for download which includes a multitude of enhancements particularly in data-aware controls such as SQL Report Viewer and UXFlowDocumentViewer for Silverlight/WPF. | The report viewer now supports advanced deployment scenarios, such as overriding the default service authentication and deploying the report server separately from the web server. Find more information on Intersoft blog post for the new ImageAbsolutePath feature, and how to work with report parameter. | In addition, the stunning UXFlow carousel control has been enhanced with several new features, such as ability to customize the item appearance based on item position. Join Handy in his blog post and learn more about this new feature. | Download the latest service pack today here. |
Industry's First MVVM-ready Scheduling Control | Designed from the ground up, the new UXScheduleView is engineered with rock-solid architecture to provide the very best support for the MVVM design pattern. UXScheduleView will support both data display and editing using MVVM and Repository pattern, which allow you to directly interact with the control using your own classes and entities all without requiring additional proxy classes or custom interfaces. | UXScheduleView marries powerful architecture with superior user experiences to provide a luxurious look and feel that belies its extensible scheduling view architecture. You can easily create your own custom views such as Daily, Next 3 Days and Agenda views that are instantly plug 'n playable. | | Click here to learn more about UXScheduleView's innovative features, or here to test drive the control online. |
Watch the New WebUI Studio 2011 R2 Videos | Take a tour to watch the new HD videos showcasing the new controls available in WebUI Studio 2011 R2, such as the high performance Scheduling control, fluent Ribbon UI, rich flow document viewer and the advanced SQL Report Viewer. | WebUI Studio 2011 R2 Overview Video This video outlines the new controls and enhancements available in WebUI Studio 2011 R2 which also includes the much anticipated ClientUI 6, WebRibbon and much more. | UXScheduleView Video This video demonstrates the features of UXScheduleView – the new scheduling control which provides full MVVM pattern support, extensible view architecture, and integrated navigation interface. | UXRibbon Video This video focuses on vast array of features packed on the new UXRibbon. It is fully compatible with Silverlight 5 and WPF. | UXFlowDocumentViewer Video This video demonstrates the advanced features of Flow Document Viewer for Silverlight and WPF. | SQLReportViewer Video This video demonstrates the advanced features of SQLReportViewer for Silverlight and WPF. |
Latest Blogs | Enabling HTTPS mode in SqlReportViewer is possible by configuring several settings in the SQL Report Service and the SQL Report Viewer control itself. Join Handy in his blog post as he walks through each step to enable the HTTPS mode. | Another frequently asked deployment scenario is how to configure the SqlReportViewer where the SQL Report Service (SSRS) is deployed on remote server. Learn the step-by-step instructions in this blog post. | UXComboBox is a selection control with built-in text search support, editable mode and fully support MVVM model. You can bind a collection of data to UXComboBox to perform a single selection. But, can you customize it to create multiple columns in UXComboBox? Yes, you can. Read this article to learn more. |
Community corner. | Deploying old product's version in newer or latest OS environment Community member Nicola wonders about how to deploy WebGrid 3.5 and WebCombo 2.0 in the latest OS environment. As we might know, Intersoft's old product's version such as WebCombo 2, WebGrid 3.5 use .jse as their scripts file. Most of latest OS environments do not recognize .jse scripts. Hence, it will produce an issue for the old product's version. The solution for this issue is by adding .jse in IIS MIME types. For more information about Nicola's issue and how to install .NET Framework 1.1 in 7.5, check out the thread. | Using UXScheduleView in different cultures Ramiro is questioning about using UXScheduleView in different cultures during his evaluation period. Normally, each culture has its own datetime format. Thus, this format can cause a problem in UXScheduleView control. For more information about Ramiro's issue, check out the thread. |
Tips and Trick. | Use different query based on dropdown/radio button selection Member Frank asks, "How can I invoke the Events "Details" query when a user selects "Details" from my dropdown list, and how can I invoke the Events "Summary" query when a user selects "Summary" from my dropdown list?" | The trick is quite simple. You can create another table in your dataset, and you can also fill the same datatable to the new table. After that, every time you Postback the option, you need to change the datamember property of the current events/resource/etc. Read the complete conversation here. | | Be sure to download a working free trial of WebUI Studio for 30 days if you aren't already using our award-winning software. |
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