HttpWatch 8.0 Supports Firefox 10 (¿µ¹®)
2012/02/06 (11:49)
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Simtec Limited
February / 2012
HttpWatch Professional 8.0 includes significant new feaures and is now available for download
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HttpWatch 8.0 Screen Shot

Upgrade for Free

The license key that you previously purchased for HttpWatch in order 72674 on 29 Dec 2011 will work with version 8.0. To upgrade just download and install HttpWatch 8.0 Professional.

Customer Download Page

Upgrading your License

The license key that you previously purchased for HttpWatch in order 60545 on 10 Aug 2007 can be upgraded to work with version 8.0.

Upgrade Page

New Features

Supports Firefox 10

HttpWatch 8.0 now works with Firefox version 2.0 - 10.0

Windows 7 Taskbar Previews

HttpWatch Studio supports Windows 7 taskbar previous making it easier to switch between log files

New ID and Connection ID Values

The ID provides a simple way to uniquely identify entries in an HttpWatch log file and the Connection ID shows which TCP connection was used by each request.

Add Comments to Pages and Requests

You can now add comments to the log file within the browser or in HttpWatch Studio.

Supports HTTP Archive (HAR) 1.2 File Format

HttpWatch 8.0 supports the enhanced the HAR 1.2 file format for importing and exporting data to other tools and environments.

Add any Header, Cookie Query String or POST data value as a Grid Column

Track changes to headers, cookies or other parameters more easily by adding them as a column to the main request grid.

Easily Add Data Items as a Grid Column

Almost every data item displayed in HttpWatch can be quickly added to the main request grid using a context menu item.
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  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : GlobalSCAPE Newsletter: February 2012 (¿µ¹®)
  ´ÙÀ½ ¡å : Aspose Newsletter February 2012 (¿µ¹®)