Try our New Navicat version 10, now with Data Modeling Tool (¿µ¹®)
2011/11/03 (14:07)
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Have you tried our new version 10? In case you don¡¯t know about the new release of Navicat version 10, below are some feature highlights of this new version.

What¡¯s new in Navicat version 10?

Introducing Data Modeling Tool

With Navicat Data Modeling Tool, user can now get a graphical representation of a relational database. The Reverse Engineer in Navicat allows user to create a conceptual model from an existing database and graphically visualize and edit the structure of the database. Or, user can graphically create a conceptual model, and generate a database that supports the model.

Other new features include:

- Comparison and Synchronization between Model and Database
- SQL/ DDL Script Generation
- Support of ER Diagram View
- Database Wide Search
- SQL Code Minifier

For more details on the new features, please visit here.

For detailed feature matrix, please click here.

We offer no obligation, free and fully functional 30-day trial version to our users.
To download, please visit our Download Center.


For enquiry, please contact us at Navicat Support Center.


  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : UE 17.30, UES 11.20, and UE Mac 2.3 released
  ´ÙÀ½ ¡å : Release of FINCAD Analytics Suite 2012 (¿µ¹®)