UE v16.10 Released: 2x faster startup and much more... (¿µ¹®)
2010/06/03 (09:16)
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16 years of UltraEdit

In this issue:
Announcing UltraEdit v16.10 | UltraEdit Power Tips | UltraEdit for Mac Update |  Contest Winners

 UltraEdit v16.10: Performance, perfection, and polish unite!

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Blazing-fast startup speed and faster file load time...

UltraEdit v16.10
Learn More  Download  Upgrade Now
What's new/enhanced in UltraEdit v16.10:
* Major performance advancements
  ? 2x faster startup time *
  ? 2x faster file load time
* Expanded code folding options
  ? New graphical fold lines
  ? Color-enabled matched brace highlighting
* New interactive replace in Files
  ? Incremental step through find results
  ? Accept/ignore file, folders, all
* Auto load project specific macros
* Increase/decrease font size on the fly...
  ? New scroll wheel zoom (CTRL+mouse wheel)
* Write/inspect scripts faster
  ? Debug scripts with "var_dump" function
* Set and forget FTP account sharing
* Sort easier - auto-populate from column selection
* Tag list updates.  And so much more...

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Enhancements you'll use everyday!

New scroll wheel     
font zooming        
New interactive       
replace in files       
New shared     
FTP/SFTP accounts       
New fold lines        
and brace matching     
Mouse wheel zoom replace in files FTP brace match

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And... no release would be complete without the polish!

* Enhanced unicode support
  ? Improved handling of unicode file names/paths
* Numerous display improvements
* Win 7 compatibility improvements
* Several file tree view updates
* Optimized function list when switching between files
* Numerous macro/scripting enhancements
* Enhanced file open/file save
* Better handling for FTP files with tools/command line
* Expanded spell check functionality
  ? Better handling of accents and mixed case
* Improved German localization support

UltraEdit v16.10 upgrade

UltraEdit box
Upgrade to v16.10 today!
Upgrade now to UltraEdit v16.10
and get the latest features and performance advancements.  Plus, your paid upgrade includes one full-year of complimentary upgrades.
Upgrade for only $29.95 Buy Now

 Upgrade to the bundle and save 40%

UltraEdit and UltraCompare box
Upgrade to the bundle!
Add UC to your UE upgrade today. Together, UE/UC provide the perfect dovetail of editing, programming, comparing and merging.
Retail: : $79.95
Now $59.95
Buy Now
* Speed test performed on Windows 7 32bit, using ~20 syntax-highlighted files stored on local drive. Results may vary.
 UltraEdit Power Tips
Brace Matching Brace matching
Brace matching is an often-used, yet under-appreciated, feature that is indispensable for navigating through code. Brace matching allows you to quickly pair corresponding braces.
FTP Account Sharing FTP account sharing
Stop worrying about porting your FTP account settings to UE, UC, and UES. Now you can configure it once and share your settings with your editor and your diff utility.
Macros Auto load macro with project
Many users rely heavily on projects to manage files, folders, and settings. Now, you can (optionally) maintain project-related macros rather than maintaining a global list of macros.
Hide/Show Lines Code folding
Quickly de-clutter complex/nested code structures with code folding.  Code folding allows you to hide/show sections of code. This tip will teach you how to configure code folding.
 Development Update: UltraEdit for Mac
UltraEdit for Mac

Development Update: UltraEdit for Mac

As I mentioned last month, UltraEdit for Mac, and all its dependencies, now build cleanly on Snow Leopard in Xcode v3.2.  We are now well into the framework/GUI cleanup and have turned our attention to the new toolbars/icons that will set UltraEdit for Mac apart from its Windows counterpart.

Aside from the differences between the Windows/Mac GUIs, under the hood, UltraEdit for Mac features the core performance characteristics of its Windows counterpart. We have also migrated the numerous advancements that came out of our recent port to Linux in UltraEdit for Mac... more...
 Follow Us on Facebook and Twitter

Announcing the Facebook/Twitter giveaway winners!

Thanks to all who participated in the Facebook/Twitter giveaway; congratulations to all who won:

* Henri Rantanenn * Misha Proske * Paul Leeuw * Stephen Jarjoura
* Bill Pellowe * Chris Herndonn * George Jaros * Doug Hunter
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IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. | 5559 Eureka Dr., Suite B | Hamilton, OH 45011
Ph: 513-892-8600 (orders only) | Fax: 513-892-4915 Web: www.ultraedit.com
Information: idm@idmcomp.com | Support: support@idmcomp.com
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