The Telerik Monthly - Public Issue Tracking System Now Live (¿µ¹®)
2010/01/29 (18:45)
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January 2010


Editor's Note

Sasha Krsmanovic photoHello Telerik newsletter subscribers,

We are introducing a new section in the newsletter - Editor's Note. My name is Sasha Krsmanovic and I will be the resident editor. I'll be making sure to bring in various experts from Telerik to be guest editors in future newsletters.

For now, I would like to hear from you, our loyal readers. How do you like our newsletter layout, content and frequency? Write back with any feedback and I will do my best to incorporate it in future editions.

In this edition I would like to highlight two topics:

First, last week Telerik was honoured with the Red Herring Global 100 award at Laguna Niguel, California. The award recognizes the leading private start-ups for their innovation across their respective industries. The Red Herring's Global 100 list has become a mark of distinction for identifying promising new companies and entrepreneurs and in the past it recognized that companies such as Google, Yahoo, Skype, Netscape,, YouTube, and eBay would change the way we live and work. We certainly enjoy being in the same company with them and would like to thank all of you, our loyal customers, for your trust over the past years. It is this tight relationship that has enabled and motivated us to continue to innovate and eventually win this award. Thanks!!

Second, for all of you social media aficionados, head over to our Facebook Fan page and join over 1,400 fans like you. You will be able to take part in our Monthly Telerik License Draw and connect to like-minded developers. Of course, if you are on Twitter, you can connect to us by following @Telerik

Enjoy the newsletter. I look forward to hearing back from you.




1.  Public Issue Tracking System (PITS) Now Live

2.  The Hidden Cost of Free Testing Frameworks

3.  New Courseware for RadControls for Silverlight

4.  Three Great Ways to Win Valuable Prizes, MIX10 Passes or Telerik Licenses

5.  Telerik Around the World

6.  Public Roadmaps for Telerik Products

7.  Telerik Releases Q3 2009 Service Pack 2


Public Issue Tracking System (PITS) Now Live

Public Issue Tracking System (PITS) Now LiveWe are happy to announce the public launch of our long awaited Public Issue Tracking System (PITS). The PITS system enables you to track the status of bug reports and feature requests, regardless of whether they are reported by you or other clients. The PITS system will send out notification emails and download links to all subscribers of a specific issue when the status of an issue has changed, meaning that you will not miss an important improvement in our products. PITS will also offer community voting and commenting, which will help Telerik teams prioritize and plan work in exact alignment with your needs.

Built entirely on Silverlight with Telerik's Silverlight controls, the PITS project is a great showcase of the power of RadControls for Silverlight. The project is linked directly to our TFS servers and shows up-to-date information on every public issue we track.

Check out the Public Issue Tracking System preview and let us know what you think by commenting on the blog announcement of PITS.

The Hidden Cost of Free Testing Frameworks

Is Automated UI TestStudioThe testing framework you use to automate your web UI tests through code probably does a good job. You have the freedom to tweak and extend your coded tests as much as you like, and for today's version of your web application, you have reliable UI tests. However, your applications evolve over time and most free testing frameworks don't help you with this process. As your application changes, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep older tests accurate, and test maintenance becomes a serious project cost as the size of your test bed grows. And the only thing worse than no automated UI test coverage is inaccurate test coverage that reports results you cannot trust.

Alternatively, there are some GUI-based UI automation tools. Unfortunately, most of the tools that exist today are too complex, too expensive, and are actually built for QAs- meaning very little support for developers that want maximum control over their tests.

Fortunately, there is a new way - a real alternative. Telerik WebUI Test Studio is a developer-oriented functional testing tool that integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio. It delivers dramatically better productivity than code-based frameworks with its point-and-click test recording surface, but at the same time gives developers complete freedom to tweak tests with code or convert them to unit tests. And the best part is, the price is suited for developers, not enterprises. WebUI Test Studio is a perfect addition to any professional developer tool belt.
Learn more

New Courseware for RadControls for Silverlight

New Courseware for RadControls for SilverlightBoth beginners and advanced Silverlight developers can greatly benefit from this unique step-by-step tutorial covering the RadControls for Silverlight. Enjoy over 1000 pages of dense training material covering everything from Silverlight development 101, working with Expression Blend, theming and skinning RadControls, to advanced usage of RadControls for Silverlight. Every chapter comes with lab exercises, tips and tricks and "gotchas" that will help you make the most of our products. Ultimately, you will build "Active Skill", a real-world aptitude testing application that uses most of the UI components in the RadControls for Silverlight.

Learn more and download the complimentary PDF Courseware here.

Three Great Ways to Win Valuable Prizes, MIX10 Passes or Telerik Licenses

Three Great Ways to Win Valuable Prizes, MIX10 Passes or Telerik Licenses

Here are a few ways you can score some pretty valuable prizes:

  1. Have you deployed an application using Telerik Reporting tools? If so, enter our reporting contest for a chance to win $500, $300, $200 Amazon Gift Certificates or one of five Telerik Reporting Licenses.
  2. Head over to Telerik Fan Page at Facebook and enter our monthly, for fans only, draw for Telerik Premium License. See contest details at our FOR FANS ONLY section of our fan page.
  3. Our friends from SilverlightShow are running a Silverlight Eco Contest and are giving 3 passes for MIX10 in Las Vegas.

Telerik Around the World

Telerik Around the World

Telerik will be presenting and participating at various events worldwide. If you are in the area, please feel free to drop by and you might score a .NET Ninja t-shirt.

Public Roadmaps for Telerik Products

Public Roadmaps for Telerik Products

Are you interested where Telerik products are going? Check out the public roadmap links below. Our release plans have always been in sync with your needs, and all improvements and new functionalities planned for Q1 2010 are coming in direct response to feedback from customers like you. On the roadmap page you are also able to suggest new features or report bugs.

RadControls for Silverlight
RadControls for WPF
RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX
Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC
RadControls for WinForms
Telerik OpenAccess ORM
Telerik Reporting
Telerik JustCode

Telerik Releases Q3 2009 Service Pack 2

Telerik Releases Q3 2009 Service Pack 2The Telerik Q3 2009 Service Pack 2 is now available, with improvements and enhancements for Telerik's XAML controls, RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX and Extensions for ASP.NET MVC, featuring integration with jQuery1.4.

Please visit the Telerik Blogs for more Service Pack 2 details and don't forget to follow the official @Telerik Twitter account for instant notifications of new releases and product news.

RadControls for Silverlight Q3 2009 SP2 Release Notes
RadControls for WPF Q3 2009 SP2 Release Notes
RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2009 SP2 release notes
Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC

WinForms Controls
WPF Controls
Silverlight Controls
Extensions for ASP.NET MVC
Telerik Reporting
Telerik OpenAccess ORM
Sitefinity ASP.NET CMS
Web Testing Tools
TFS Tools

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  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : GFI NEWS: Introducing GFI MAX MailProtection and GFI MAX MailEdge (¿µ¹®)
  ´ÙÀ½ ¡å : DX Press: DevExpress Roadmap, Silverlight Videos & New VCL Controls (¿µ¹®)