DX Press: Countdown to DXperience 9.2 continues & VCL controls get a shake up (¿µ¹®)
2009/07/16 (11:17)
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DevExpress Newsletter

15 July 2009
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Message from the CTO

The metric system for code

If you've been developing for any length of time, you'll have come across any number of studies that correlate "bad things" against some form of software metric. The first book to really summarize these studies (although it's now getting a little long in the tooth) is "Code Complete" by Steve McConnell, but there have been others since that address code quality.

So we have the correlation between lines of code in a method and the "maintainability" of the code, or the Cyclomatic Complexity of a method and its testability, or the coverage percentage for a method and it's likelihood to contain bugs, or the coupling/cohesion of a set of modules and its flexibility when the demands for enhancement arrive.

In other words, for some metric, there's some benefit to reducing (or increasing) its value. For some set of metrics, the problem becomes a little harder since you're increasing the number of measurement dimensions you can alter and therefore the number of resulting behaviors of the code. It starts to look like a linear programming problem.

However, there is one metric to rule them all: time. At some point, you have to ship a product or an application. You do not have the luxury of infinite time to tweak your other metrics to solve the quality code problem. You have to ship the best software you can in the time allotted, and if that means ignoring your favorite code metric then so be it.

Julian M Bucknall, CTO
Comment on Julian's message


Even More Sneak Peeks
Thinking Outside DXperience
VCL Team Kicking in the Overdrive
Case Study: EC Software Creates Revolutionary UI
DevExpress Channel: VCL Training - The Layout Control
The DX Press Top 5 Support Issues

Even More Sneak Peeks

We're getting very close to publishing our Release Candidate (RC) for DXperience v2009 vol 2 and so the Sneak Peek blog posts have been coming fast and furious. We're also going to be producing some videos showing off these new features, and the plan is that you will be thoroughly familiar with what's new by the time the actual release is posted. So stay tuned to DevExpress Channel as well as our blog website.

* WPF Grid - What's Coming in the DXGrid Suite in v2009 vol 2
* WinForms and Silverlight Rich Text Editing
* ASP.NET Scheduling...New DevExpress Reporting Integration
* ASP.NET GridView: New Hot-tracked Style for Data Rows
* WPF Printing - WYSIWYG User Interface Rendering and Report Generation
* Silverlight Book Control v2009 vol 2
* ASP.NET HTML Editor: New Table Cell Split And Merge Feature
* WinForms Grid - Updates Coming to the XtraGrid Suite
* WinForms Expression Editor for DevExpress Grid Controls
* WinForms Pivot Table - Updates Coming to the XtraPivotGrid
* ASPxperience Features in 2009 volume 2 Release

Thinking Outside DXperience

Gary Short is currently out of the office. Please leave your message after the tone...

But despite being drawn to the sun, sea and sand of his vacation resort, Gary still has his ear to the ground waiting for the rumblings of the latest in industry developments. This week Gary's technical fingers couldn't help but discard his Piña Colada, and dust the sand from his laptop, in order to dive into Chrome OS – the Google operating system.

Check out Gary's thoughts and let us know what you think about Google's latest offering.

* Chrome OS – A New Operating System from Google

VCL Team Kicking in the Overdrive

Over the past couple of months, the VCL team here at DevExpress have not been standing still. Build 45 of the VCL Subscription was released last week and contains many improvements and fixes to all controls. Meanwhile, the work on ExpressLayout Control v2 and ExpressPrinting System v4 continues apace: the latest feature being completed is PDF export, so expect that soon in beta. They're also in the process of converting and polishing the latest .NET skins to the VCL skin format and these will be made available as soon as possible. Another part of the team has been working on making sure we support Delphi Weaver (Delphi 2010) from day one. All in all, some excellent news.

* VCL Application-Wide Skins or Themes
* PDFs, VCL Applications and More Revolutionary UIs

Case Study: EC Software Creates Revolutionary UI

EC Software is an innovative help authoring tool vendor based in Salzburg, Austria. They have over a decade of experience in the help authoring and documentation, and when it came to rebuilding and redesigning Help & Manual 5, their flagship product, they had very specific requirements: "we wanted a ribbon, we wanted matching UI controls and we wanted nothing less than perfection."

Their latest release shows that their aims for perfection have really paid off. Take a look at what Alexander Halser, CEO of EC Software, had to say about his experience with DevExpress VCL Ribbon components.

* User Interface Design for User Assistance

DevExpress Channel: VCL Training - The Layout Control

The DevExpress Channel continues to serve as a valuable resource for our .NET and VCL component users. The latest video provides a quick and easy walkthrough on how to create and customize a simple layout using the ExpressLayout Control.

The ExpressLayout Control is a VCL component which provides advanced capabilities for creating, customizing and maintaining the layout of controls on a form. By watching the training video, you'll learn how to create a simple data entry form and use the Layout Control to group and organize the entry fields in a grid-like manner.

* ExpressLayout Control - Create and Customize a Simple Layout

The DX Press Top 5 Support Issues

Here is this week's top 5 list.

* How to create a Web Setup project to deploy a site that uses DevExpress ASP.NET Controls
* XtraGauges - How to use a gauge as an in-place editor
* XtraBars - How to create BarManager descendants
* XtraGrid - How to filter a lookup's data source, so that it provides unique values
* DXGrid for WPF - Show icons in an unbound column depending on another column's values
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Read blogs on DevExpress community site
Watch Training Videos and Interviews on DevExpress Channel
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  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : UltraEdit v15.10: New XML Manager, Re-engineered Sort... Plus UC v6.30, Now 2x Faster! (¿µ¹®)
  ´ÙÀ½ ¡å : UltraEdit v15.10: New XML Manager, Re-engineered Sort... Plus UC v6.30, Now 2x Faster! (¿µ¹®)