Your Xamarin Newsletter for May 2014 (¿µ¹®)
2014/05/07 (10:46)
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View a free 
Xamarin University session, check out the Amazon Fire TV component, and register for Xamarin Evolve 2014.
Xamarin University
Try a Free Xamarin University Class
Take advantage of a free "Intro to iOS Development" class recording available now so that you can preview the awesome mobile development training in Xamarin University. Xamarin University offers an always-up-to-date catalog of mobile development classes, with instructor-led online classes conducted every day spanning many different time zones. Additionally, each class is recorded, and the instructors regularly conduct Office Hours so that you can get all your coding questions answered. Learn more »
Xamarin Evolve 2014
Xamarin Evolve 2014 Registration Open
We are very excited to announce that registration opened for Xamarin Evolve 2014, our worldwide developer conference and the largest cross-platform developer conference in the world! Join the Xamarin team, industry leaders and fellow mobile developers from October 6-10 in Atlanta, Georgia for 2 days of in-depth mobile development training and 3 days of conference sessions covering everything from enterprise mobility to the latest advances in wearables. Register here »
Microsoft //BUILD
View Miguel's Mainstage Session at
Microsoft //BUILD
This year's Microsoft Build was full of excitement for the Xamarin team and our developer community. Xamarin co-founder and CTO Miguel de Icaza delivered a "Go Mobile with C# and Xamarin" session to a packed keynote room of over 1,500 developers. We announced our collaboration with Microsoft on the .NET Foundation, and threw the party of the conference in conjunction with the .NET team. Watch Miguel's session and see other highlights on our blog. Read more »
Amazon Fire TV Component
Your Xamarin App in the Living Room via Amazon Fire TV
We're excited to announce a new way for you to get your apps and games on the big screen with our Amazon Fire TV Component. Existing Xamarin Android apps can now integrate rich Amazon Fire TV features such as Notifications and Game Controller to extend your reach further. New device categories are hitting the market every day. With Xamarin, you can bring your apps to every form factor with our support for Google Glass, Nokia X Android Phones, Android Wear devices, and now Amazon Fire TV. Find out more »
Microsoft TechEd
Join Xamarin at TechEd
Xamarin is gearing up for a warm week in Houston, Texas at Microsoft TechED North America 2014 from May 12-15. Anuj Bhatia, Xamarin Customer Success Engineer, will demo Xamarin in his session "Native Mobile App Development for iOS, Android and Windows in C # and Visual Studio" on Tuesday, May 13th from 5:00pm to 6:15pm. Let us know you'll be at TechEd, and we'll make sure there's a Xamarin monkey waiting for you at booth 1742. Reserve your monkey »
Join us at Xamarin!
Love Mobile and C#? We Need You!
With over 600,000 developer downloads, the Xamarin team is growing fast. If you're passionate about mobile, enjoy a good challenge, and thrive in a fast-paced and collaborative environment, we'd love to hear from you! We're looking for bright and enthusiastic candidates to join the Xamarin family, where you'll enjoy excellent perks that enhance your life and well-being, including catered healthy lunch every day, dog friendly offices, and public speaking training for all employees. View our open positions »
Read the 
case studies
Featured Apps: From Bomb Squads to Meeting Rooms
One of the best parts of working at Xamarin is hearing how our customers are changing the world through new mobile experiences. From Applied Research's app that makes bomb squad technicians safer to Sennheiser's mobile-first approach to making meetings more stress-free, Xamarin developers are on the fore-front of mobile experiences. Read the stories »
Upcoming Events

Microsoft TechEd North America
Anuj Bhatia, Xamarin Customer Success Engineer, will speak about "Native Mobile App Development for iOS, Android and Windows in C # and Visual Studio." Let us know you're attending and we'll make sure to save a monkey for you at Xamarin Booth 1742.
May 13, 5pm CDT, Houston, TX »

Jonathan Dick from the Xamarin Components team will speak at two sessions: "Xamarin and Azure Mobile Services," and "Your first native iOS app with Xamarin in 60 minutes or less!"
May 27-28, Mechelen, Belgium »

NDC Oslo
Chris Hardy, Xamarin Developer Evangelist, will present "C# is in my ears and in my eyes."
Jun 5, 3pm UTC, Oslo, Norway »

Tips and Tricks

Kevin Mullins walks us through in-app purchases on iOS with the new Xamarin.InAppPurchase Component.

Pierce Boggan breaks down how to implement an Interactive App Product Tour for apps.

James Montemagno shows us how to use Shared Code Projects inside Visual Studio with Xamarin iOS and Android projects.

Paul Betts introduces Fusillade, a new HTTP library for mobile apps.

Tomasz Cielecki open sources a fancy SlidingUpPanel library for Android available in the Xamarin Component Store.

Jeremie Laval adds Swipe to Refresh to Android apps with a few lines of code.

394 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, CA, 94111
  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : UEStudio 14.20 released, new UltraCompare and UltraFinder on the way... (¿µ¹®)
  ´ÙÀ½ ¡å : ComponentOne Tech Connection: April 2014 (¿µ¹®)