Remote Desktop Manager - Newsletter - February, 2014 (¿µ¹®)
2014/02/12 (10:29)
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Newsletter - February, 2014 - Centralize it, Secure it, Simplify IT!

Remote Desktop Manager 9.1 is Here!

Devolutions team is always looking for ways to make your lives more productive, efficient, simpler and easier. So, we’re are pleased to announce our first major product update for 2014: RDM 9.1.
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Case Study: Automatic Data Processing (ADP)

Recently, we started posting some of our customers case studies on our blog. Check out what Timothy Frazee, Communications Engineer at ADP, had to say about Remote Desktop Manager.
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January’s Poll Results: Should We Make RDM .NET 4.0 Compatible?

Last month, we asked you if we should make Remote Desktop Manager .NET 4.0 compatible now, or in a few months. As you probably know, Windows 8 only includes .NET 4.0. So if we migrate Remote Desktop Manager to .NET 4.0, anyone using .NET 3.5 or earlier would face compatibility issues.
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Are You a Geek or a Nerd?

Here at Devolutions, we’re – without question -- GEEKS. But that’s us…what about you? Are you a Geek or a Nerd? Or perhaps you think that there’s no such thing as 100% Geek or 100% Nerd, but rather a mixture of the two (Gerd? Neek?).
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Alternate hosts feature in Remote Desktop Manager


The Alternate host feature as been designed for an easy handling of changes in network topology.
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February Poll: Are you iPhone or Android?

Answer Here!
Identify Security Groups
Passcode Prompt When Opening an Entry
X-Manager Add-on

Xmanager add-on has been upgraded to the latest version of Xmanager (V4). This update is especially important because it adds the ability to run XDMCP, Xftp and XShell sessions.
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Suggestions, comments, questions

Maxime Trottier


Devolutions inc. | 199, Rang du Golf, Lavaltrie, QC, J5T 3C6


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