[Telerik] Mobile Development Revolution, iOS 7 Support (¿µ¹®)
2013/09/27 (11:29)
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telerikTelerik Monthly Newsletter
September 2013

Major Mobile Updates

Todd Anglin 
Todd Anglin,
EVP Cross-Platform
Tools & Services

Are you interested in mobile development? Of course you are! Mobile development is the biggest change to the way we build, test and deliver software since web apps stormed on the scene in the 1990s. At Telerik, we've been aggressively building the tools and services you need to successfully make the mobile transition. From Test Studio for iOS to Icenium to our new EQATEC Analytics, we're applying a decade of developer productivity expertise to making the best tools for mobile developers.

This month has been especially big for our mobile tools, too. First, we proudly shipped support across the Telerik portfolio for Apple's latest iOS 7. In Kendo UI there is brand new support for iOS 7 gestures, as well as a fresh, new iOS 7 theme. Test Studio for iOS has been updated to support effortless test recording in iOS 7. Icenium Everlive is now shipping a native iOS SDK, ready for iOS 7, naturally. And, Sitefinity flexes to deliver on any mobile CMS strategy and continues to invest, so going forward, your data can always leverage the latest mobile technologies.

Meanwhile, Icenium, Telerik's cloud-based solution for simplifying cross-platform mobile development, just took a major step forward for fans of Visual Studio. With the latest Icenium release, you can now build and debug cross-platform mobile apps directly from Visual Studio! That's right. You'll get the full power of Icenium in your favorite IDE. You can even use your own source control provider, such as TFS or SVN. It has never been easier to build mobile apps for iOS and Android using Visual Studio.

Sound too good to be true? Come see for yourself at the Icenium Release Keynote webcast Today, Thursday, September 26th at 11 AM EDT. If you like Visual Studio and are ready to jump on the mobile bandwagon, you're going to love Icenium and all of Telerik's latest mobile tools!

Kendo UI Mobile: Out-of-the-Box Support for iOS 7
Kendo UI Mobile: Out-of-the-Box Support for iOS 7Kendo UI Mobile, Telerik's HTML and JavaScript UI framework for building iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and WinPhone mobile apps, has been updated to support iOS 7- including its new navigational gestures. A new iOS 7 theme is included alongside Kendo UI's existing theme for iOS 6, so developers needing to support both iOS themes will be able easily to do so.

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30 Days of TDD
30 Days of TDD Have you ever done Test Driven Development? Do you know what TDD is all about? Are you curious to learn? Then this series is for you. Over the course of 30 days, the Just* blog will host a series of posts aimed to take you from "I can spell TDD" to being a functional TDD developer. Expect tips, tricks and real-life practical examples. Start from the basics and go deeper with each successive post.

Start the journey
RadControls are Windows 8.1-Ready
RadControls are Windows 8.1-Ready Telerik controls for Windows 8 are now ready for the RTM version of the platform and fully support the additions introduced in the latest update. Windows 8.1 brings over 650 new API's to the table, but the experience for developers actually becomes much easier. Read what's new and how it will affect your apps.

Read blog post
Vistaprint Achieves Significant ROI with Telerik
Vistaprint Achieves Significant ROI with Telerik Inspired by a vision for a Quality Platform to support activities across the organization, Vistaprint replaced its three QE automation tools with a single, unified QE automation platform. Vistaprint chose the Telerik Testing Framework, part of the Test Studio family, for writing automated tests for HTML5, AJAX, Silverlight and WPF. ROI achieved thus far includes:
  • 75% reduction in number of tests written and automated.
  • Effectiveness doubled in 18 months.
  • Maintenance time reduced by 10%.
Read the full story
[e-book] The Ultimate Agile Planning Handbook
The Ultimate Agile Planning Handbook Stay on top of your backlog and manage iterations like an Agile guru with the help of Telerik's Ultimate Agile Planning Handbook. This insightful e-book offers more than 20 how-to tips and practical Agile planning best practices to help improve your development processes.

Download now
15 Sample Apps to Jumpstart Your Mobile Development
Icenium hybrid mobile applications are built on the Apache Cordova (aka PhoneGap) JavaScript-to-Native bridge technology. This enables you to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build apps and easily leverage readily available or custom device API's-including those for camera, accelerometer, geolocation, and more. We learn from looking at code, just like you do. So, we created fifteen small apps to help you get started quickly.
Check out the samples
Sitefinity 6.2 Arrives Next Month!
Sitefinity 6.2 ushers in collaboration with Marketo and Salesforce.com. The combination is a feature rich multichannel marketing solution that pulls from a common knowledge base to maximize customer engagement.
Check out the new features
Four Trends Reshaping the Software Testing Market
In a recent Magic Quadrant report on Integrated Software Quality Suites, Gartner analysts point to the many trends impacting the automated software testing marketplace. We believe that there are four main trends disrupting the software industry that you need to consider when planning your testing strategy. Which ones?
Get the whitepaper to learn
Master Scrum Project Management
Start improving your Scrum development process today with the help of TeamPulse, Telerik's project management tool for Scrum and Kanban teams. TeamPulse offers simple and intuitive features for grooming your backlog, planning sprints and releases, visualizing progress as well as analyzing team velocity and capacity.
Learn more
DevCraft.NET UI Controls
Test StudioSoftware Testing
Test Studio
IceniumMobile Development
SitefinityWeb Content Management
Kendo UIHTML5/JavaScript Widgets
Kendo UI
TeamPulseProject Management
  ÀÌÀü ¡ã : Dynamsoft Monthly Newsletter - Sep 2013 (¿µ¹®)
  ´ÙÀ½ ¡å : [Xamarin] Announcing same-day support for iOS 7 (¿µ¹®)