ComponentOne Studio 2015 v1 Released: With New MVC Controls and Reporting Enhancements (¿µ¹®)
2015/04/01 (16:19)
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Explore all the .NET, ASP.NET, & XAML Controls in ComponentOne Studio


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.NET Controls for Serious Application Development

The new ComponentOne Studio 2015 v1 release focuses on optimizing performance, enhancing data management, and modernizing reporting solutions across all platforms. Featuring a new ASP.NET MVC Edition, WinForms Reporting Enhancements and Cube Support, WinRT SRSS Report Support, new BarCode and Input controls, and more!

Studio MVC Edition

Reporting Enhancements


New ASP.NET MVC Edition

Reporting Enhancements


Our newest edition, the ASP.NET MVC Edition, provides a set of modern UI controls built on all the latest technologies, including HTML5, CSS, and ECMAScript 5, without making compromises to support legacy browsers.

Reports for WinForms includes an improved look and feel in the C1ReportDesigner, improved Crystal Reports import, a non-paginated SSRS viewer, new text search bar, and C1Report scripting enhancements.


FlexSheet Control

Cube Support


New WPF FlexSheet Control (Beta)

Cube Support


C1FlexSheet provides out-of-the box Microsoft Excel functionality. Easily import spreadsheets, apply formulas, manipulate rows, and perform cell styling.

OLAP for WinForms now includes SASS Cube Support and asynchronous processing. At run time users can build reports from cube data just like regular data sets.


SSRS Report Support

BarCode for WPF and WinRT


SSRS Reports in Windows 8

BarCodes in WinRT and WPF


Bring the power of SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to your Windows apps with SSRS Viewer for WinRT. Easily embed SSRS reports directly into your applications.

Easily render and display barcodes and 2D barcodes in your Windows 8 and WPF applications with the new BarCode for WinRT & BarCode for WPF.





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